I intend to do my part in drawing attention to the injustice; starting today with a recent story of a pro-lifer who was nearly run over by an employee of the abortion clinic. (Click the highlighted text to read the article). The pro-lifer was on public property, not violating anything but the employee's conscience. The employee purposefully sped in the driveway, narrowly missing the common pedestrian who happened to be pro-life. This story is not new to me, for I myself participate in sidewalk counseling outside of abortion clinics - praying for the staff as much as the clients, and offering help and options to the latter. Screaming of obscenities from the staff and those of the pro-death mindset is nothing unusual, and every so often, they take it a step farther. So much for free speech.
One personal account is similar to the article linked above, with a pro-lifer being nearly run over.One day a car pulled into the parking lot and the driver rolled down his window and signaled for one of the pro-lifers, a young man, to come over to his car. He did, and when he stooped down to talk on face-level with the couple in the car, the man driving spit in the pro-life man's face. The young man then replied with "God bless you, sir." The driver then reversed the car, pulled back and aimed the vehicle for the young man, who was standing on the side of the driveway on the sidewalk. It all happened so quickly that he did not have the time to get out of the way... The driver jumped on the gas to run the man over, and would have done so, had not his wife in the passengers seat screamed and jerked the steering wheel, causing the car to miss the young man. This is just one of many, many acts of harassment bordering on outright violence and intentional harm (though what should we expect from those believe we have the "choice" to murder?).
No, the young man did not die that day as - we are all SO very aware - several abortionists have. But how do we know that pro-lifers have not been murdered for their convictions? If instances of attempted murder are not reported - or at least the abortion issue is not mentioned in the news report - there should be little confidence in the reports of those who are openly committed to advancing the pro-death agenda. Their silence speaks volumes.

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